This week, as we dive into chapter 14 of 1 Corinthians, Pastor Jesse discusses the controversial and complex nature of spiritual gifts, particularly tongues and prophecy, emphasizing their roles in glorifying God, edifying the church, and evangelizing the lost. He explains the distinctions between Apostolic and non-Apostolic prophecy, highlighting how prophecy speaks to others and should be informed by God’s word, while tongues is a personal appeal to God. Pastor Jesse, like Paul in his letter, urges us to prioritize the use of prophecy over tongues, emphasizing the importance of seeking meaningful spiritual engagement, interpreting scripture with guidance from the Holy Spirit, and infusing the church community with hope and biblical truth.

Next steps: Reflect on how you can use your own spiritual gifts to benefit your community. How might you prioritize the edification of the church in your actions and focus more on understanding and applying scripture in your life?