3 Pieces of Advice for the Biggest Sunday of the Year

On Easter Sunday, it’s important to stay focused on what matters most: proclaiming Jesus’ victory and seeing people saved. Here is some advice for keeping your focus as you prepare for the big weekend.

It’s time for the biggest, greatest, grandest Sunday of the year! This Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead as he conquered Satan, sin, death, hell, and the wrath of God, in love!

This will be my 18th year preaching on Easter Sunday, and there are a few observations and experiences I wanted to pass along in case they might be helpful.


You have been granted the tremendous honor of preaching the resurrection of Jesus Christ on what is the most attended and anticipated Christian celebration of the year. But you are a mere mortal. You may be exhausted, distracted, sick, and even tempted to give in to sin and hinder your confidence heading into the pulpit.

This weekend is the biggest opportunity your church likely has all year to see people saved.

Pray for yourself. Be honest with those closest to you, and do all you can to prepare not only your message but also your heart this week. Don’t worry about getting fancy—just tell the good news of the resurrection victory of Jesus Christ.

Your people want to hear you tell them about Jesus’ victory as their victory, with great passion. You don’t need to be slick or clever, just be passionate and clear. We have good news to proclaim, and Jesus has chosen you to be his messenger, so just guard your heart and go for it without restraint.


Please pray for your preacher this week. This is not a normal week for them. They have already been running hard since the new year started and are exhausted, overwhelmed, and probably have a lot going on in their personal life that is taking their energy in addition to the ministry. Give them some grace and space. Encourage them. Let them know you are praying for them. Do all you can to take any other duties off of them this week.

Don’t worry about getting fancy—just tell the good news of the resurrection victory of Jesus Christ.

Whatever you do, please don’t use this week as a chance to war with them, oppose them, or critique them. They need all the energy and focus they can get to be filled with the Holy Spirit to stand up and preach about Jesus. This weekend is the biggest opportunity your church likely has all year to see people saved. That is so important, and nothing else should get in the way. The pressure on the preacher this week is great, and you can be a great blessing or a great burden.


Please pray for your church leaders, starting with the preacher. Prepare your heart to hear the good news of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And be praying for people you want to invite to church who may or may not know the Lord but are not walking with him faithfully in community with God’s people.

This is a great opportunity to invite people, so take a risk and don’t be shy. This may be the most likely weekend that people will visit a church. Do your best to bring as many people as you can. And if they join you, remember to follow up in love: get them a Bible, answer their questions, and continue to pursue them on behalf of Jesus.

Mark Driscoll » Found at http://theresurgence.com/

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