Why Did Jesus Die?

Why Did Jesus Die? FROM Anthony Carter Mar 06, 2013 Category: Articles The Bible reminds us that our justification is grounded in the love of God. The answer to the question “For whom did Christ die?” hints at the answer to the question “Why did Christ die?” but it...

Jesus Christ: The Lamb of God

Jesus Christ: The Lamb of God FROM R.C. Sproul Mar 04, 2013 Category: Articles This idea of the Lamb of God is a strand that runs throughout the history of redemption. It can be traced all the way back to Genesis 22, when God called Abraham to go to Mount Moriah and...

“You Must Be Born Again”

“You Must Be Born Again” FROM Keith Mathison Feb 18, 2013 Category: Articles I distinctly remember the birth of both of my children. Although they were born six years apart, I remember the preparation for each trip to the hospital. The drive there. Escorting my wife...

What Are “Dead Works”?

What Are “Dead Works”? FROM Anthony Carter Feb 20, 2013 Category: Articles Dead works are the works of our hands. These are works of selfrighteousness, and they are appropriately called “dead” works because they lead to death. Twice the book of Proverbs says, “There...