Creation Fall Redemption Restoration
Creation Fall Redemption Restoration
Boasting in the Cross
Boasting in the Cross
Galatians 6:1-10
Galatians 6:1-10
Is My Life Worthy of God? Four Tests
Truckee church
Fruit of the Spirit – How We Grow
Fruit of the Spirit - How We Grow
How Can You Tell if a Church Is Gospel-Centered? Start with the Pulpit.
How Can You Tell if a Church Is Gospel-Centered? Start with the Pulpit. YANCEY ARRINGTON The tagline “gospel-centered” has become commonplace in the church-planting world. In many ways, this is a good thing. But we do well to ask: What exactly does the phrase...
True Freedom
True Freedom
Your Church Needs You This Sunday | Two Prayers to Prepare for Worship
Your Church Needs You This Sunday Two Prayers to Prepare for Worship Article by Sam Allberry Guest Contributor A pastor once shared with me how he often really feels when he heads into church on a Sunday: he wishes he was doing something else. He was quick to point...
True Freedom
True Freedom
20 20 Vision
20 20 Vision
Christmas Demands a Reaction
Christmas Demands a Reaction
A Christmas Card from Jesus
A Christmas Card from Jesus
Christmas Promises
Christmas Promises
God Uses Everything – Why Our Suffering Is Never Wasted
God Uses Everything Why Our Suffering Is Never Wasted Article by Vaneetha Rendall Risner Regular Contributor Recently I was hurt by a friend over an insensitive comment she made. My first response was to get upset, and then I began mentally cataloging a list of...
The Past Unwrapped in the Present
The Past Unwrapped in the Present
The Purpose of Christmas
The Purpose of Christmas
The Offense of the Cross
The Offense of the Cross
Hagar Slavery for Sarah Freedom
Hagar Slavery for Sarah Freedom