When a Child Disobeys
When a Child Disobeys Six Steps for Healthy Correction Article by Sam Crabtree Pastor, Minneapolis, Minnesota Correcting children can be a matter of babies and bathwater. How do we preserve the phenomenal God-given potential these children possess, without condoning...
What Are The ESV Scripture Journals All About?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCzeBVETWnc What Are The ESV Scripture Journals All About? (NT ESV Journal is available in the SBC bookstore) You’ve probably seen something recently about the ESV Scripture Journals. According to the publisher, they “pair the entirety...
The Gospel and Good Works
The Gospel and Good Works
A Primer for Prayer
A Primer for Prayer
Promises Prayer Power
Promises Prayer Power
Confessions of a (Recovering) Social Media Fool
Confessions of a (Recovering) Social Media Fool JANUARY 23, 2019 | Joe Carter Within hours the narrative had been set on social media: A group of Catholic school boys from Kentucky harassed an elderly Native American man at a pro-life rally in Washington, D.C. On...
Patience and Suffering
Patience and Suffering
When Shame Keeps You Away
When Shame Keeps You Away Article by Stephen Witmer Pastor, Pepperell, Massachusetts Some of us are unsure of God’s full acceptance. We suspect he’s disappointed with our best efforts. We live with low-grade guilt, feeling like we’ve never really pleased him — that...
James 5
James 5
Emotions Make Terrible Gods
Emotions Make Terrible Gods Taking Control of Our Feelings Article by Greg Morse Content strategist, desiringGod.org “You cannot tell me how to feel,” the little girl shouted mid-tantrum. “I’m not telling you how to feel,” retorted the parent. “I am telling you how...
The Will of God and the Fear of Man
The Will of God and the Fear of Man